
A.I. , Blockchain , Life Science , Anti-Corr uption in China. A reward of 15 million dollars for info on the CCP members. We HIRE online!

一亿元征集中国人寿犯-罪线索A reward of 15 million dollars for info on the C C P members

迅速逃离诈骗客户,无兑付能力,贪污, 盗窃,洗钱的中国人寿。征集中国人寿董事长,总公司高管,黑龙江,大庆分公司相关人员犯罪线索。征集国企央企高管,退休人员的海外家属(仅限贪污犯罪包庇,同犯,分赃,洗钱等相关的犯罪嫌疑人)的信息,请向我们举报。所有你认为能帮助我们和全国人民打击职务犯罪,保护人民财产的信息与帮助,我们都需要。劫持中国人寿的各种不法党员常年对社会群众诈骗,贪污公款,掩盖犯罪,用非法所得的赃款买通各级公检法内以权力为个人盈利手段的不法人员,并雇佣网络水军散布假利好消息,掩盖其公司在全国范围内的犯罪,以便能长期诈骗全国人民。同时纪检单位对人寿高管,董事长的恶性犯罪打击力度不够,选择性失明或忽略。原因是人民群众没有公民应得的权力。我们希望代表全中国人民成为监督纪委与政法委的监督员,成立居民自己的互助执法队。不等,不靠,不期待,与外国执法组织合作来改变这一切,希望你愿意从内心支持我们。



我们的业务:反腐,打击国企,尤其是中国人寿的所谓的高级干部盗国犯罪,科技(生命科学,区块链,人工智能), 投资(居民海外投资)。我们可以为你治疗癌症;我们可以延长你的健康寿命;我们的干细胞疗法可以在几乎所有的慢性病领域帮助你,你的家人与残疾人士恢复正常;我们的人类细胞增强技术可以帮助战场的士兵;我们在以上领域拥有全世界独一无二的能力,在紧要时刻可以挽救你和你的家人的性命。欢迎专业的生命科学团队联系我们进行验证。与人民群众并肩战斗,或成为人民的敌人,你自己选择。我们的区块链技术可以改变整个世界。Bitbay.market 。我们有迅速在全球网络大规模宣传与动员的绝对能力。具体内容在: https://AlienPuppyChina.com/letter 网信许可,可访问。如慢,搭梯子。网站内容是中国最有权力和财富的群体经常研究的。欢迎为我们工作,与我们合作。线上,线下,无论你擅长什么,哪怕是种花,保洁,电脑操作,我们基本都需要。不看工作经历,看人性,信念,工作态度,专注 与兴趣爱好。另外我们国家有一些“大神”,我们需要与各位大神一起解决地球上最难的事情,并确保最强大的力量可以为全国人民,全人类服务,而不是只为少数人。 信息单向代发,请勿回复本邮件。如耽误了您的时间,我们深感抱歉。我们正在调整系统测试,尽力确保您以后不会收到此信息。请永远记住我们的网址:Alien Puppy China .Com 外星 小狗 中国 三个单词 ,点 COM . 我们给自己的建议是:躺平,直到人民有权力为保护国有,全民所有财产,执法打击国企贪腐人员为止。

We do blockchain, A.I. life science , aerospace & defense, bounty hunting & anti-corruption for both Chinese people (not the CCP) and your fellows in and for your country. Would you work with us?

| Industrial design | 3D printing | Robotics | Optoelectronics | I.T. Internet security, C5ISR | Autonomy & A.I. | blockchain | life science | Supply Chain | Business management | Test engineering | Data Analysis | Combat training | Everything else that you are good at, all the jobs you'd do for us |

We , AlienPuppyHawaii.com, specialize in defense tech, solving complex challenges, advancing scientific discovery and delivering innovative solutions that help our customers keep people safe.

Business is business. WE CAN AFFORD YOU! In return,we can enhance your intelligence capabilities at work with our technologies. We research life science, including human cell enhancement for soldiers. We can cure YOUR cancer, we can extend YOUR lifespan, we do stem cell therapy. We do blockchain and AI. We have online marketing capabilities that can help YOU reach 1 million+ new audiences EVERY DAY. So we, as your business partner, can give something big, profitable and rich back to you. Verify what you've just read in here before making further decisions.

A reward of 15 million dollars for information on the C C P members of China, including but not limited to China Life Insurance Inc personnel and/or their families, financial networks in your countries. AND MORE. We defend your country, and We read our Universe;

WE HIRE online. we look for joint-venture investors,technical gurus and military and law enforcement support. We don't care who you are, where you come from, your background, your expertise. We only care how successful our business will be and how much we can do for you and your loved ones. Yes, it's the human and responsible things that count.Want to do what you love and get paid for it? JOIN US, no matter what you'd LOVE to do WITH us. Are you addicted to challenges at work as you play chess with artificial intelligence? We've just built a chessboard for you. DO NOT mis-underestimate (presidential word) your potential.

the shorter the message, the more necessary it is for you to know. Your email service providers filter data, and remove what you really need and then tell you that black is white. The easier it is for you to get information, the less valuable (or even worthless, a waste of time) it is to you. Read us and let us know what we can do together and how we can do it. We research, We invest, We risk, We manage, We hire, We collaborate and We share.


spming couldn't make us the power to protect the public ( in both China and your country) and make YOU rich, but partnering with you/us will. This is not spm. You will only receive this email once.

One way email sent by the people and for the people. DON'T reply.