
Please assist in forwarding this email to individuals whom you deem passionate and influential enough to collaborate with us in our mission to care for 1.4 billion Chinese people. We can offer you a very generous commission if you bring anyone to us for cooperation. Take 5 minutes to read this email in English, behind the brief Chinese text. It may spark some positive ideas within you and inspire action for yourself and the 1.4 billion Chinese people who are currently enduring hardship.

我 们 招 人,找 合 作 伙 伴,为 全 国 人 民 被 TAN, DAO 财 产 搞 执 法,特 战,反 腐,科 技,投 资。Hiring talent & Seeking Joint-Venture Investment Partners (Cancer, Stem Cell Therapy, Blockchain, Big Data, Law enforcement recruit, Private mili tary operation, veterans, personal/mili tary defense product R&D,  manufacturing, distribution, commercial air transport service, more), online service affiliates 招人 Insurance, Life Science, Blockchain, Aerospace&Defense, House Builder (Japan) , Data Entry, Supply chain / Project Management, Internship, Marketing & Communication, Cyber 我 们 亿 元悬 赏 全 国 厅 级 以 上 腐 败,贪 污 诈 骗 党 员 (姓 名,家 庭 成员,国 家,估 计 金 额 范 围 等),尤 其 金 融 业 海 外 藏 匿 资 产 线 索。有 担 保 ,有 军 事 能 力,不 吹 , 不 浪 费 时 间. 国 家  非 常 乱,党 员 非 常 坏,老 百 姓 非 常 无 助,需 要 有 人 为 民 牺 牲,需 要建 立 人 民 武 装 组 织。为 XI 主 席 / 受 难 的 普 通 中 国 家 庭 法 办 毫 无 人 性 的 党 员 罪 犯,为 中 国人 民 除 害。We specialize in designing, manufacturing, testing and distributing less-lethal weapons tailored for anti-C C P corruption law enforcement teams serving the people of China (excluding the C C P), in China. Do you have any ideas or proposals you'd like to share with us?

Built to flex: Are you interested in working remotely? We provide our employees with the flexibility to work remotely when possible, recognizing the value they bring to our organization and their need for work-life balance.

$15 million award for information on China SOE corporate executives (C C P ) and/or their family members in your country. You don't read, you won't get.

A l  i e n  P u  p p y  H a  w  a  i  i . C O M   , http://www.AlienPuppyHawaii.com see details.

不 翻 -QIANG 你就得不到真 相。没 有 真 相,老 百 姓 就 没 法 保 护 自 己 的 合 法(经 济)利 益 和 血 汗 钱,也就无法参与到 X 主 席 领 导 的 FAN FU运动 中。很 多中 国 人 寿 ZHA PIAN 案 受 hai 人 就 是 以 前 不 翻 学 习,不 了 解 其 公 司 高 管 FAN ZUI 历 史,轻 信 D 领 导 的 这 家 央 企,其 他 机 构 和 媒 体 洗 NAO,结 果 被 ZHA 钱 款 至 今 不 能 追 回。因 信 党 而 被 害。其 公 司 内 即 使 有 被 解 雇,被 抓 的 也 都 是”小 鱼 小 虾,白 手 套,替 SI GUI“。没 有 公 正 Fan FU,国 家 无 法 AN 全。不翻 -QIANG, 你 就 学 习 不 到 最 先 进 的 科 学 技 术,很 难 有 谋 生 的 一 技 之 长,国 家无 法 AN 全,人 民 无法 富 裕 和 幸 福。不 翻,你 将 被 世 界 文 明,法 制,公 平 与 正 义所 抛 弃, 只 会 被 那些 不 让 你 翻 的 人 QI PIAN。不要再傻了,各行,各业,各机构的用户数超过你的想象:A lie n Pu ppy SmartLadder™ 最 安 全 的 免 费, 高 速 , 基 于 区 块 链 的 FAAN QIANG 软件; 无 服 务 器 的, 绝 对 无 法 被 J 控 的 全 世 界 最 安 全 的 即 时 通 讯 工 具;全 国 人 民 网 络 投 票 系 统; 其他 :t e ch @ A l i e n P u p p y C h i n a.com  努 力 为 国 家 和 人 民 工 作!努 力 搞 民 生,合作! 访 问 我 们,受 益 一 生

A l  i e n  P u  p p y  C h  i n a . C O M   中文 ( Chinese Version), http://www.AlienPuppyChina.com  详 细 了 解。招 人 合 作, 开 发 武 器,组 建 真 正 的 人 民 自 己 的 武 装 ,打 击 党 员 犯 罪, 发 展 科 技 与 民 生。

A.I. | Blockchain | Life Science | Aerospace & Defense | Insurance brokerage 线上外资保险代理运营合作 China market | Bounty Hun ting |Mili tary Support 组  建  人  民  群  众  自  己  的  互  助  武   装   执  法  队,招 募 队 员| Special Missions for 1.2 billion innocent Chinese people & Intl. Government Agencies 招 募 战 士

We research life science, including human cell enhancement for soldiers. We can cure YOUR cancer (with EM wave & other means), we can extend YOUR lifespan, we do PLURIPOTENT stem cell therapy in our own clinics. We do blockchain and A.I. (dual-deposit escrow Ethereum smart contract , most secure server-less private messenger, online voting, big data filtering & machine learning )  We have social media & email marketing capabilities that can help YOU reach 2 million+ new target audiences EVERY DAY.

亿 元 征 集 党 员 腐 败 犯 罪 线 索,包 括 但 不 限 于 中 国 人 寿 董 事 长 白 涛,黑 龙 江 与 其 他 分 公 司 高 管 等 犯 罪 线 索 及 所 有 国 内 外 与 其 相 关, 家 庭 信 息。谨 慎 (不) 选 择 银 行 保 存 钱 财 , 远 离 所 有 国 内 的 金 融 保ZHA 险PIAN 产 品,尤 其 国 寿 任 何 产品,他 们洗,TAN,ZHA,无  E  不 作,无 偿 付 能 力。无 人 性,无 良 知。守 住 自 己 的 钱 袋 子. 我 们 支 持 x 总 反 FU,不 参 与 ZZ,只 关心 老 百 姓 钱 袋 子。现 在 有 深 度 思 考 能 力,对 自 己 负 责 的 网 民 不 多,但 是 我 们 还 是 要 告 诫。你 需 要 梯 子 V P - N 访 问 我 们 的 原 因 是 你 需 要 知 道 怎 么 样 保 护 你 的 钱 和未 来。这 是 TAN 官,D 国 ZEI不 想让 你 知 道的。如果有一天,你的 钱 也 被 他 们TAN WU Z PIAN走 了,你 到 时 候 哭 都来不及。你 现 在 还 不 知 道 生 活 的 不 易 与 环 境的 恶 劣, 所 以 你 需 要 早 日 清 醒,加入X总的F FU队伍。反 Fu 与 你 的 金 融 安 全 问 题 上,不 要  相 信 你 老 板 与 所 谓 的 执 法 机 构 ,在很 多 时 候 它 只 是 机 器 人 而 已, 不 执法,只 会 掩 盖 犯 罪。纪 委 国 安 公 安 掩 盖 犯 罪 情 况 特 别 严 重,国 家 和 人 民 在 现 行 体 系 下 根 本 没 有 希 望。没 有 你 自 己 的 努 力, 我 们无 法 将 木 头 变成 黄 金,但 是 我 们 希 望 至 少 能 让 木 头 知 道 自 己 是 木 头。躺 平, 移 民, 或 加 入 我 们 这 样 的 人 民 群 众 自 己 的互 助  执 法 组 织。

$15 million award for information on China SOE corporate executives (C C P), including but not limited to Bai Tao(Y O B 1963), China Life Insurance Inc chairman of board of directors, executive team members and/or their families, financial ML networks in your country. DON'T invest in China; DON'T visit China, and DON'T do ANY business with the C C P, until the Party is gone and the civilization is back, or you'd have to lose everything, including your soul.

We operate 1M+ relay servers on 6 continents of the world. In space, too. And we are server-less on blockchains. Always At Your Service. Salute!


https://alienpuppychina.com/anticorruptionnew  腐 败 的 中 共 成 员 家 庭:挥 霍 中国民众的血 汗 钱

全 球 打  击 腐 败 中 国 共 产 党(C C P)成 员 家 族 合 作 提 案 ,  搭 梯  子 阅 读

Propuesta de Cooperación para la Caza de las Familias de Miembros Corruptos del CCP en Todo el Mundo

We extend a sincere call for collaboration to bolster cybersecurity measures and combat corruption on a global scale. AlienPuppyHawaii.com and AlienPuppyChina.com seek suppliers and partners to join us in this noble endeavor.

 Our operations encompass a range of fields, including online work, data entry, administrative tasks, internet data analysis, business management, and more. Additionally, we specialize in research and development, manufacturing, distribution, and training for tactical gear, aimed at enhancing public security and combating corruption, particularly against the C  C   P.

 The C  C   P's egregious actions have inflicted untold suffering upon 1.4 billion innocent Chinese citizens, rendering Chinese society devoid of justice, fairness, and love. It is imperative that we unite to counteract their nefarious deeds.

 We offer a reward of $15.1 million for information on China SOE corporate executives, such as Bai Tao, and their associates, who have perpetrated crimes against humanity. We urge caution in dealing with entities associated with the C  C   P until justice prevails and civilization is restored.

 Our initiatives span various domains:

 Cybersecurity: We leverage email and social media marketing to expose SOE corruption and recruit allies. We seek collaboration with government agencies, military, and IT professionals to bolster our efforts.

 Life Science: We pursue breakthroughs in cancer treatment and stem cell therapy to alleviate human suffering. we support  stemaid.com

 Blockchain: Our ETH-based dual deposit escrow market aims to combat fraud and promote transparency. We support bitbay.market

 Commercial Aviation, Aerospace, and Defense: We engage in aircraft trading, leasing, maintenance, and defense product development. We support Japan Airlines, Atlas Air & National Airlines.

 Private Investigations and Law Enforcement: We undertake special missions to apprehend corrupt C  C   P families and recover illicit funds.  Join us.

 We implore your assistance in tracking down these criminals and seizing their ill-gotten gains. Together, we can restore dignity to the Chinese people and safeguard global interests.

 For collaboration inquiries, please contact us at fight@AlienPuppyChina.com. We are committed to secure communication and stand ready to serve.



Proposal for Cooperation in Hunting Dirty C  C   P Member Families Worldwide


Many members of the C C P, along with their families, are discreetly resigning from their positions and fleeing to the Western world, often with public funds. However, both the media and the C C P remain silent on these departures. It's essential to be fully prepared for such occurrences in your country and for our potential cooperation.


Abstract: In an era where the scourge of corruption plagues societies globally, it is imperative that we unite in the pursuit of justice and accountability. The insidious actions of corrupt Chinese Communist Party (C  C   P) members and their families have not only devastated the people of China but also reverberated across the world. We hereby propose a partnership between various armed organizations, including the Mexico cartel, and other armed entities worldwide, to collaborate in hunting down these nefarious individuals and their families. By joining forces, we can strike a decisive blow against corruption and restore justice to the oppressed masses.

Introduction: The C  C   P's stranglehold on power in China has enabled its members and their families to amass vast fortunes through corrupt practices, at the expense of the Chinese people. Trillions of dollars have been siphoned from public coffers, leaving behind a wake of economic devastation and social inequality. These ill-gotten gains are then laundered and funneled into luxurious lifestyles abroad, where C  C   P elites and their families enjoy impunity while the people of China suffer.


1.     Intelligence Sharing: We propose the establishment of a secure intelligence-sharing network among participating organizations to gather information on the whereabouts and activities of dirty C  C   P member families. This network will enable real-time collaboration and coordination in tracking down targets and planning operations.

2.     Coordinated Operations: Joint operations will be conducted to apprehend and neutralize dirty C  C   P member families, utilizing the combined resources and expertise of participating organizations. These operations will prioritize stealth, precision, and the protection of innocent civilians.

3.     Financial Disruption: We will target the financial infrastructure that facilitates the illicit activities of dirty C  C   P member families, including money laundering networks and offshore accounts. By disrupting their financial operations, we can cripple their ability to fund their lavish lifestyles and illegal enterprises.

4.     Public Awareness Campaigns: We will launch public awareness campaigns to shine a spotlight on the corrupt activities of C  C   P elites and their families, both domestically and internationally. Through media outreach and advocacy efforts, we will expose their crimes and garner support for our cause.

5.     Legal Assistance: We will provide legal assistance and support to whistleblowers and witnesses willing to come forward with information on dirty C  C   P member families. By protecting and incentivizing cooperation, we can strengthen our case against these criminal syndicates.


·        By targeting the financial interests of dirty C  C   P member families, we can disrupt their operations and cripple their ability to perpetrate further harm.

·        Through coordinated intelligence-sharing and operations, we can maximize our effectiveness in apprehending and neutralizing targets.

·        Public awareness campaigns will raise awareness of the C  C   P's corruption and garner support for our efforts to hold them accountable.

·        Legal assistance for whistleblowers will encourage cooperation and strengthen our case against dirty C  C   P member families.

Conclusion: In conclusion, the scourge of corruption perpetrated by dirty C  C   P member families must be eradicated for the betterment of humanity. By forging a coalition of armed organizations committed to justice and accountability, we can confront this threat head-on and restore hope to the oppressed masses. Together, we can send a powerful message to corrupt elites everywhere: your days of impunity are numbered. Let us join forces and embark on this noble mission to hunt down dirty C  C   P member families worldwide.


The Lavish Lifestyles of Corrupt C  C   P Members: Squandering the Sweat of the Chinese Public

In the shadows of opulent Western cities, a clandestine network of privilege thrives, built upon the backs of the hardworking Chinese populace. Behind the façade of luxury and excess lies a stark reality: corrupt C  C   P member families, embroiled in nefarious schemes, exploit their positions of power to fund extravagant lifestyles abroad.

For decades, these unscrupulous individuals have siphoned off trillions of dollars from China's state coffers, leaving a trail of economic devastation in their wake. Yet, while the Chinese public struggles to make ends meet, these elites revel in their ill-gotten gains, indulging in mansions, yachts, and designer boutiques in the world's most affluent enclaves.

The contrast is stark and unsettling. While ordinary citizens toil tirelessly to provide for their families, C  C   P cronies bask in the lap of luxury, insulated from the consequences of their actions. It is a grotesque display of wealth inequality, a brazen affront to the principles of justice and fairness.

From Vancouver to Sydney, from London to New York, the influence of these corrupt C  C   P families knows no bounds. They purchase prestigious real estate, send their children to elite private schools, and hobnob with the global elite at lavish parties and exclusive clubs. Meanwhile, back in China, millions languish in poverty, their dreams deferred by a system rigged in favor of the powerful and well-connected.

But the tide is turning. As awareness grows and outrage simmers, the spotlight has begun to shine on these hidden beneficiaries of corruption. Whistleblowers come forward, shedding light on the intricate web of money laundering and illicit financial transactions that underpin the opulent lifestyles of the C  C   P elite.

In response, governments around the world are taking action, implementing stricter regulations and cracking down on money laundering and illicit financial activities. The days of impunity for corrupt C  C   P members may be numbered, as international pressure mounts to hold them accountable for their crimes.

Yet, while progress is being made, the struggle is far from over. The entrenched power of the C  C   P, coupled with its vast network of allies and enablers, poses a formidable challenge to those seeking justice. But for the sake of the Chinese people, and indeed all those who value integrity and fairness, the fight must continue.

Ultimately, the story of corrupt C  C   P member families living lavish lifestyles in the Western world is a sobering reminder of the human cost of corruption. It is a stark illustration of the vast disparities of wealth and power that plague our world, and a call to action for all those who believe in justice and equality. Only by standing together and speaking out against corruption can we hope to create a brighter, more equitable future for all.

As the sun sets on another day of excess and indulgence for the corrupt C  C   P elite, let us not forget the sacrifices made by the Chinese public, whose sweat and toil have been squandered to fuel their extravagant lifestyles. It is time to hold these elites accountable and to demand justice for those who have been wronged. The future of China, and indeed the world, depends on it.