我们最近收到了不知道是谁发的下面的电邮,大家都收到了么?We recently received a strange email, from "ourselves"! As the sender claimed. Did you receive it too? Confirmed, it's not from us.
悬赏一亿打击中国人寿贪污诈骗洗钱 We Do A.I. Blockchain Life Science, Anti-Corruption and more
Got suspicious neighborhoods from China? BINGO! A reward of 15 million+ dollars for the data on dirty CCP members and corrupt China company executives, including but not limited to those related to China Life Insurance inc. If you tolerate their existence around you today, for whatever reason, tomorrow a lot of them could destroy your community, even your country in all kinds of different ways. dirty ccp members who come with dirty assets will not bring prosperity to your communities, otherwise you would be living with "neighborhood drug dealers". Have relevant info? SEND US A TIP!
我们是 Alien Puppy China .com 去空格,中国可访问,慢就搭梯子。 我们一 亿 元人民币或等值外币预算悬赏一切与中国-人寿历任普通员工,经理,高管,贪- 污 诈- 骗 洗 -钱 等犯 罪有关的线索,海外关系,赃款,资产等有价值信息。倒查20年。中国人寿总公司 China Life Insurance Inc. A Criminal organization, credit collapse. 地址北京市西城 区。我们认为他们在2024年以后不会有对所售相关保险产品的兑付能力,俗称暴雷。保护好自己的钱袋子,迅速终生逃离中国人寿,远离人寿人。许多中国普通老百姓的钱和国家资产都被他们贪-污,洗走了,他们的庞-氏诈-骗开始破灭了。无辜群众和国家有多少钱,中国人寿就敢诈-骗他们多少钱,高峰期已经十几年了,之后就造假,贩假,贪-污,挪-用,很大一部分转移至国-外供家人挥霍。银行,保险,金融监管,伪专家的不是傻就是坏的金融理论对最普通的中国家庭罪-大恶极。这些行业里很大一部分人就是盗-国贼,卖-国贼,叛-国贼,造成的后果极其严重,故意危-害国-家安-全。终极原因就是长期以来国家运行没有监督机制,终酿苦果,“很多人“估计这还不是最严重的。请支持我们代表全国人民成为纪 -委,国- 安监督员,支持我们境外收脏。请访问我们的网站了解具体的国企反 腐 Anti-Corruption against state-owned companies of China,区块 链blockchain development,包括DDE(DUAL DEPOSIT ESCROW),操作简单像VX支付,让全国乃至全世界的商业欺-诈从此降为零。即将上线!人工智能开发A.I.,quantum computing生命科学Life Science,Medicare , we cure cancer, we do stem cell therapy, etc地球科学 we research Earth science,we read Universe, no kidding. 海外投资(仅限黑龙江居民投资者)信息,欢迎任何与我们有相似信仰的地球人以不同的工作与合作形式加入我们,与我们一起投资管理以下事业,一起工作We hire,whoever you are, We invest, We partnership, JOIN US. We hire for passion and intensity; there is training for everything else. 1 反腐事业部 anti corr uption 2 科技事业部 Science & technologies 3 投资事业部 overseas investment. 我们的网站都是文字,研究我们你会受益匪浅。 所有内容都是原创,都是写定,发表不改,不删,我们只增加网站内容。中央,业内高管,高官,相关部委,科研机构,大专院校,商业经营者,各种国际组织,外国ZF都在看。从我们成立时就开始看,基本天天在看,在分析,在找可预测未来的蛛丝马迹。我们有预言,预测能力,但是我们不需要做这方面的展示与辩论。我们就是要与你们一起工作,要向全国人民展示的是我们解决问题的能力。解决不了问题,所有政策,预测都白搭。没有什么比上亿个最最普通的中国家庭的幸福更重要的事了。我们的第一个能帮助上亿最普通中国家庭的工具就是基于区块链的,非中心化的,无法人为干扰的DDE双担保交易系统。我们从第一天起就把这种基于区块链技术的产品看成是一种来自外星的科技。在未来的100地球年内,还有更多的领先这个时代的科技会被应用。现在很多家庭由于以上提及的行业内的盗国贼集团布局10多年的金融诈-骗犯-罪而深陷巨大痛苦,幸福的未来遥不可期。巨大窟窿和危害不是一天产生的。之前全国每天都有众多的不是蛛丝马迹,而是直接提醒和举报在对系统报警,全故意当耳旁风。这就是没有无党派监督员,没有群众监督,不给群众权力的后果。相关Z F监管部门里的,包括公检法干部,国企一把手是第一责任人,是帮-凶,是分-赃者,是渎-职,有负于10多亿中国人。你家的狗,或者我们的人工智能宠物都能比他们的工作干得出色,而且永远不会腐-败,盗-国与叛-国。 不要质疑我们合作伙伴向全国人民宣传反腐,反诈,公平与法制的推广能力:在任何你想定的数字后最好加个亿字。我们的计划是我们网站信息,产品与服务的受众是以亿计,重点是在全球综合国力排名前50的国家,与抖音TIK TOK用户不是同一群体。先抛开我们的前沿,超越时代的科技能力不谈,仅仅是我们网站强大的对全球各行业的领导者的推广能力就可以对你的事业有巨大帮助。我们的合作伙伴应用最新的机器学习,与AI 帮助AI学习技术来指数级扩展我们的推广能力。比起你,我们网站的目标读者与用户可能更相信我们说的话。无论你是国家,企业的管理者,还是科研工作者,科学家,工程师, 投资家,分析师,公务员,等等,你需要仔细研究我们的网站内容来给你工作灵感。我们期待与你的深入合作。是平等合作,或合资。事实上是我们可能不正确地认为你需要我们远远大于我们需要你。同中国人寿,恒大这类盗-国-贼不同,我们有信仰,信用,有抵押,有真东西,在世界上生存不需要靠“被极度滥用和被严重侮-辱的国家,人民,党的信用,ZF公信力”的“照顾”. 我们不是党员,我们只是普通群众,但是我们对暂时没有能力照顾(互助)好最普通的中国家庭感到深深的自责。我们正在研究是否基于人工智能的政务管理能比无能,腐败官员,党员更可靠。我们现在唯一想的就是怎么样才能做大,做强,做稳产业,给更多的我们周围的人,甚至是所有黑龙江居民带来稳定的海外收益的问题。给ZF合法纳税,对税金使用明细严格监督,批准和否决,但是不能给遍布各个角落的腐败分子,人民的蛀虫以可乘之机。我们在努力工作中。请保持健康,并请支持我们,与我们一起工作。我们全球招聘,只要你有劳动能力,愿意与我们一起工作,我们都需要,大量用人,海量工作,全球各地分支都需要,从线下到线上,小到保洁,遛狗,文字处理,电脑操作,中到人工智能工厂设计,生命科学,大到理论物理,深空探索等。
We speak in English on the website Alien Puppy China .com , an Alien Puppy Hawaii com company. Visit: Alien pu ppy china. com/en We research, We invest, We risk, We manage, We hire, We collaborate and We share.
Our several hundred million target audiences are rich humans, decision makers and leaders in various industries and administrations. we train AI with AI. we impress our customers, readers and global partners precisely. we possess "alien" technologies, we have money, we have DDE deposits, we are more reputable than corrupt companies ,like China Life Insurance Inc., a social responsible fortune 500 lol , we have partners and we have you. Our clients and audiences might trust us more. we could be an ideal partner for you to bring your ideas, your hypotheses, your rules, your policies, your products and your services to those you care about, those you pay more attention to on planet earth! join us!
We invest in aerospace & de-fense, life science & Medicare, agriculture & animal husb-andry, in Scandinavia, 3 Baltic States, Ukr aine, Bel arus, Ru ssia, Japan, the U.S., the U.K., Canada, & Australia. Most importantly, We invest in YOU.
Alien Pup py China.com is a Chinese website that operates in the following areas:
1, anti-corr uption against state-owned enterprises of China, such as China Life Insurance Company. This is a profitable evergreen business, especially in China. Don't believe us? Ask Blackstone.
De-bt Collection / Data Analysis / Cri-me Prediction / Targ--eting, Bou=nty Hun=ting / Info Bulletin Board / International Cooperation
2, Providing blockchain & A.I. filtered big data technologies and related applications to the public to play a better role in serving the Chinese people ( and your fellows).
Unbreakable Voting/Rating System / Digital CNY / DDE(Dual Deposit Escrow) for Banks and Retail Customers / Government Administrative Support / decentralized communication/Others
3, Help for Chinese families to invest abroad
We are targeting a business volume of 10 billion dollars and are always on the lookout for global partners, investors, fast-growing companies (startups), employees, suppliers, customers, followers and supporters around the world.
We are Ali en Pup py China.com, a company of Alien Pup py Hawaii . com. We are not the CCP. We are politi=cally neutral and abide by the local laws in each country. We fig-ht against anyone who unlaw-fully dep-rives our/our partners of their le-gal rights. This is an imperfect world, also a time of brainwa-shing. Many government officials and business people you think are lawful are un=lawful. Be yourself!
A prestigious name means nothing these days. Trading with blockchain DDE (Dual Deposit Escrow) with anyone, any company means everything. Your working skills, your competitive products and services are always your best and only friend.
About Ali en Puppy Haw aii.com
Alien Pu ppy Hawaii . com is a small sourcing company and is seeking equal partnerships for global suppliers and contractors in these countries, both corporate and individual, directly or indirectly seeking successful technology development, marketing and distribution in or for the business areas listed below:
• Aerospace & Defense
• Air Transport Service
• Entertainment & Recreation
• Healthcare & Life Science
• Education & Research
• Public Se-curity
• Make the New Zealand Po-lice and Jud-ges CLEAN
• Business/bid Management
The following is the English translation from Google Translate. We got no time to check, edit and proofread it. The original article is in Chinese on alienpuppy china.com/bigscience Try GPT, if you want. It sucks, we know it!! because sometimes it doesn't understand context or the code structure or the intentions or misundstands context or we have better solutions. but sure it helps. GPT ( of Hammer Industries) is not allowed to support any controversial ideas. No wonder, deep learning works, taught by Justin Hammer!
Google Translate’s SHOW TIME:
Please support the basic and applied scientific research we (Alien Puppy Hawaii.com) conduct:
alien pupp ychi na.com/big science Go ogle Translate, DIY
About Us: alien puppy china. com/en
Field: Life Sciences: Main Direction: Cure STAGE 4 all types of cancer; stem cell therapy, genetic engineering, biological cytology applications, others. Accelerate research results through the latest A.I. technology. Our partners, researchers, and supporters work with us to enjoy scientific research results that are absolutely leading the world and this era.
Earth science/cosmic science: establishment and prediction of various models of atmosphere and ocean flow; solar radiation effects; quantum effects; scientific confirmation and falsification of some "conspiracy theories"; others. Our partners, researchers, and supporters receive priority access to Absolute Strategy information.
Why support our scientific research: Because our own scientific team has gradually discovered that the content in existing textbooks, ranging from elementary school to doctoral research, contains a lot of inaccurate, even completely wrong, and impossible theoretical information.
The significance of basic scientific research: The significance is not "extremely big", such as organ regeneration, what immortality means to you, the position of the earth in the universe, whether there is God, and if you can one day talk to God, this science fiction type is "tiny" significance". Another "meaning" is that one day you truly understand how the world works, and you will never be deceived by anyone, any organization, or any government again. This is also an important step for you to find your true soul, your free spirit. Maybe you can be among the few who survive the next worldwide “plague.” So the meaning is not "particularly big".
Our basic science research is led by non-Chinese scientists at Alien Puppy Hawaii.com. We think of them as a very small number of scientific elites on earth or in the universe. Our country also has such talents. If the country wants to strengthen investment and talent training in this area, it must compete with these non-Chinese scientists. Until we can see that China's social equality, legal system, civil servants, and manager corruption levels are close to international mainstream national standards, we will not do basic research in China and will not bring the world's "top secrets" to Chinese society, because It will be tainted, stolen, and cheated by ZHA to use LAN (power) to infringe on ordinary Chinese families and usurp the resources of the hard-working and kind-hearted people, including hard-working scientific researchers. Just take a look at the TAN and ZHA organizations that defraud money: China Life, Evergrande, and some local governments to understand China’s social environment.
Much of the following information you cannot find anywhere, including online. We are original. Visit: Alien Puppy Hawaii.com for more information.
1. Our life science team believes that DNA is not a double helix, but it does resemble the left and right hands and eyes (the double helix also has the same properties). No one on Earth has ever seen a virus. No virus has ever been seen with an electron microscope, and there is a 99% probability that viruses, or things called viruses, do not exist on the earth. The current theory on viruses is that they are inanimate strands of "DNA" inside a bacteriophage, which, like a dead cell, "enter" your cell, causing it to turn "bad" (infect). But inanimate objects don't behave like this. The first things called "viruses" may actually be bacteria smaller than cells. But the vast majority of bacteria are beneficial to humans. Of course, there are also things like sepsis, staphylococcus, meningitis, and yeast infections. These are all bacterial infections, but the relative proportion is not high, far lower than the so-called "viral infections." So "cells become infected" due to other reasons, such as poisoning (it may also be contagious because people share water, air, food, breathing, etc.), injury, aging, etc. With the current technology of mankind, any microscopic magnification to the extent that the virus can be seen (even if it is distinguished), the entire observed object and its surroundings will be burned, just like looking at ants with a magnifying glass in the sun. People who say that viruses infect cells or affect human health have never done scientific "negative control experiments" on the viruses they are talking about. All the so-called virus photos you have seen in the media are either fake or fake. Part of the dead cell is mistaken for a virus.
2. We do not deny self-evolution. Just like Alzheimer's patients should play more SUDOKU to exercise their brains, it is effective. We believe that life and consciousness are created by a "creator", rather than produced by physics and chemistry as masters like Carl Sagan and Nicholas Humphrey say. We believe that human feelings cannot be realized by any physical or chemical methods, and the most primitive foundation is not derived from evolution. Physics, chemistry, and biology cannot explain why each person is unique. They couldn't explain many things: like why his consciousness was his and not someone else's. Our body systems are designed to be extremely complex, precise and perfect. For example, it is more difficult to choose between stem cells for healing organ wounds and cultivating organs in vitro through some artificial methods to regenerate organs. Of course, using organs cloned from autologous stem cells is a solution. For example, for major injuries such as gunshot wounds, time is tight and there is no time to use stem cell therapy to wait for the organ to be healed. But we believe that until we find this "creator", there will not be any artificial organs manufactured through biotechnology, such as 3D printing of biological tissue, or cloned organs that can be as perfect as our own organs. And until now, mankind's understanding of the genome is basically zero, even though a lot of genetic information has been stored through various genome projects. Therefore, the current best option for emergency severe trauma treatment is to first use transplantation, artificial/in vitro culture, or even mechanical metal organs (RoboCop type) to rescue patients. First, ensure the survival of the injured, and also ensure that the damage is done. The organ is not completely removed, the damaged organ is slowly restored through stem cell therapy, and the "foreign" organ is removed. But in the treatment of chronic diseases, such as cancer, cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases, diabetes, cranial neuropathy, etc., stem cell therapy is currently the most advanced and effective. We believe that even in this aspect, the current technology is not mature yet. Only a handful of people on earth have truly effective methods. Current stem cell therapy is somewhat difficult to cure many cancers, but it has positive effects. The BNCT method is not particularly efficient, but it is a method and counts as radiotherapy. Try to avoid chemotherapy (it has no scientific basis and will harm the immune system). The ultimate cause of cancer is metabolic disorders. We can make a great contribution to our cause by trying original methods to treat cancer patients that involve shaking the cancer cells and other methods.
3. We believe that there is no distortion of space and time, and gravity is not the earth attracting (pulling) you, but the atmosphere (space) pushing you toward the ground. We on this site don't want to say what we think are the specific reasons. Of course there is no such thing as gravitational waves. Estimates of the distance between the Earth and the Sun are also inaccurate. The current calculation is based on the distance between Venus and the Earth, and they are all assumptions.
4. Quantum effects exist. Although the mechanism cannot be explained yet, it is definitely not what mainstream scientists imagine. The current explanation of quantum mechanics is time travel, but we believe that time travel does not exist. But this does not affect human application of quantum effects. Current computers are binary, which is equivalent to the door being either closed or open. Quantum effects can make the door half open, 1/3 open, 1/5 open. . . . . . It can increase the computing power of computers exponentially. Our partners are using liquid nitrogen, other low-temperature liquid gases, and some superconducting devices to build a quantum computer similar to GOOGLE, but at a lower cost, making it more valuable for applications.
5. The cyberspace after 2017 is full of false information, and much valuable information has been deleted. But on Earth, someone has a backup of all network information before 2017. As with blockchain and A.I., this is absolutely strategic. How "absolute" is it? We estimate that it will be "absolutely" possible for a major country to launch nuclear missiles for such a person. So currently, if you are checking some evidence online, you need to view and analyze it dialectically. By the way: Alien Puppy Hawaii also invests in the creation of sci-fi movies.
We don't want to say too much.
What kind of talents are most needed in basic scientific research in our country (China): talents who dare to question, dare to verify, and work hard and enterprising. Welcome to join us and cooperate with us.
Alien Puppy China . com Alien Puppy Hawaii . com If access is slow, use a ladder
Why do I think there are no so-called gravitational waves in GR?" Huang Zhixun. We think that Mr. Huang is right. He is clear-headed, professional, respected, and worthy of learning from each of us. The country must be wary of bragging and defrauding funds every day. Corruption is a crime in academia.
For those who are ready to work with us:
When you get what you want in your struggle for self
and the world makes you king for a day
Just go to the mirror and look at yourself
and see what that man has to say
For it isn't your father or mother or wife
whose judgment upon you must pass
The fellow whose verdict counts the most in your life
is the one staring back from the glass
Some people may think you a straight-shooting chum
and call you a wonderful guy
But the guy in the glass says you're only a bum
if you can't look him straight in the eye
He's the fellow to please never mind all the rest
for he's with you clear up to the end
And you've passed your most dangerous difficult test
if the man in the glass is your friend
You may fool the whole world down the pathway
of life and get pats on the back as pass
But your final reward will be heartaches and
tears if you've cheated the man in the glass.
Don't Quit
When things go wrong, as they sometimes will, when the road you're trudging seems all uphill, when the funds are low and the debts are high, and you want to smile but you have to sigh, when care is pressing you down a bit - rest if you must, but don't you quit.
Life is strange with its twists and turns. As everyone of us sometimes learns. And many a fellow turns about when he might have won had he stuck it out. Don't give up though the pace seems slow - you may succeed with another blow. Often the goal is nearer than it seems to a faint and faltering man;
Often the struggler has given up when he might have captured the victor's cup; and he learned too late when the night came down, how close he was to the golden crown.
Success is failure turned inside out - the silver tint of the clouds of doubt, and when you never can tell how close you are, it may be near when it seems afar; so stick to the fight when you're hardest hit - it's when things seem worst, you must not quit.
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AlienPuppyChina.com 创建于2023